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Recenter, Relax Rejuvenate-5 Tips To Help Entrepreneurs become Re-centered and Re-Focused

Creating a plan for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation is key to entrepreneurial success

As an entrepreneur, you may experience stress on a consistent basis. Your business doesn’t grow without your dedication, consistency and ground work. Long hours, stressful meetings and uncertain financial concern can eventually lead to stress. Chronic stress isn’t just unpleasant, it’s also dangerous to your health. 

Therefore, get ahead of managing your stress with the following five-tips: 

Tip # 1: Detach from Social Media: Too much engagement on social media can lead to anxiety, comparison, depression and increased stress. Therefore, limit the time you spend on social media everyday. Time-block social media time to promote your business as well as leisure-time to scroll. Set a timer and when the timer goes off, log off. 

Tip # 2:  Interrupt Your Routines:  Break the monotony of your day by changing your routine. This can include talking to someone new, eating at a new place, making new associations or sign-up for a co-ed intramural sporting team. Breaking your daily routines can improve your mood and decrease your stress and recenter your focus. 

Tip # 3: Dance Your Stress Away: Find your favorite song and allow yourself to dance for at least five minutes. Don’t worry about what you look like! Can’t stop and dance, pop in your favorite relaxation CD at the office, in the car, or wherever you’ll need it most. You’ll get an instant energy boost and a clearer mind! 

Tip # 4: Eat at Least One Healthy Meal Per Day: The foods you eat can affect your mood, your overall health and your daily motivation. Therefore, make a commitment everyday to eat at least one healthy meal. Looking for healthy palate pleasing recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, check out our nutrition book entitled “ Don’t Complicate It-Basic Nutrition and Healthy Eating Made Simple”. 

Entrepreneur Health Tips

Tip # 5: Breathe deeply with Essential Oils: Add your favorite essential oil on your wrist or underneath your noise. Try five deep breaths through your nose. Close your eyes and pay attention only to your breathing while doing this. It’s like a mini-meditation, and perhaps the most effective of the quick relaxation techniques. Click here to view some of our favorite essential oils! 

Living a More Balanced Life Can Help Improve Your Business Outcomes 

Deep breathing can help stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system that helps you relax. Therefore, stay breaks during your business day to take deep slow breaths

Whether it’s taking a social media detox, eating a healthy meal to fuel your mind and creativity, or joining a new sporting team, as an entrepreneur living a balanced life is a necessity to re-centering your business and personal life. Looking for support to help you learn how to get well and stay well, click here to complete our wellness assessment form to receive one-on-one assistance and to be notified of our next 6-week online program offering. 

Here’s to helping you get well and stay well!

Article Written By:

Fitness Olympian, 13 x Self-Published Author, 2019 Exceptional Woman of Color Honoree, 2017 Mental & Physical Health Advocate Honoree, 2016 Best Personal Trainer on the Gulf Coast Honoree and CEO of Well Content 4 U Wellness Company, Laticia “Action” Jackson has been called one of the most dynamic, energetic and dynamic Health and Wellness Speakers! 

Laticia “Action” Jackson’s successful wellness career spans over 20 years and has been an amazing journey. Over this span of time she has used her education, experience and passion to transform health policies, healthcare systems and make environmental changes needed to improve the health outcomes for diverse communities, military establishments and corporations.  

She has been featured in over 30 health and fitness magazines such as Black Doctors.Org, Oxygen Fitness Magazine Australia, Muscle and Fitness Hers, Flex Magazine, The Council on Aging and Writers Life Magazine where she provides insight and expert advice on various health and wellness topics.

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