Yes Women Lift Fitness Community
Who are We?
Yes Women Lift is a women’s fitness community created by Fitness Olympian Laticia “Action” Jackson as a way to empower, educate and encourage women at different fitness levels and from all ethnic backgrounds to become fit on their terms, for their own personal reasons and to use fitness to build resilience!
Why Did We Create Yes Women Lift Fitness Community?
At the age of 29, Laticia “Action” Jackson almost lost her life in a domestic violence attack. Being physically fit helped her overcome anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.
Today Action Jackson uses her platform as a Fitness Olympian to help women use fitness to regain their power, build self-confidence and build resilience!
Join Us Now!
If you’re a woman who wants to learn how to become your fitness most powerful self, join our community and stay up to date on our fitness events, fitness workshops and fitness content designed just for women like yourself! Join Us Now!
What are the Benefits of Being A Part of this Community?
1). Receive expert fitness advice from Fitness Olympian Laticia “Action” Jackson.