Content That Drives Engagement,
Brand Awareness and Education
Having engaging, relevant and conversational wellness content is important for driving brand awareness, engaging your audience and needed in order for you to become a trusted wellness expert in the eyes of your potential consumers. We understand the importance of wellness content to your business. That’s why we’re offering our curated wellness content packages just for you.
All articles are evidence-based and written in tone that is easy to comprehend and enjoyable. Choose one package or all four of our curated wellness content packages. All articles are between 500-750 word count.
Curated Content Designed To Keep You Well
WellFIT Package
Use our engaging and conversational fitness content to drive brand awareness, sell your products and educate your audience on how to set and reach their personalized fitness goals, how to recover from their workouts, how to properly stretch to increase mobility, proper lifting techniques to avoid injury and so much more! Our WellFIT package includes the following articles:
1. Why Won’t My Body Change:
3 Ways To Break Beyond Your Fitness Plateau and See Results
2. Where Do I Start?:
5 Steps To Start Your Fitness Routine Off To a Great Start
3. I Can’t Get Over Being Sore:
5 Tips To Prevent Overtraining and Limited Results
4. Got Stretching?:
4 Reasons to Stretch and Warm-Up Properly
5. More Sleep Please:
3 Reasons Why Sleep is Important To Your Fitness Results
Use our engaging and conversational nutrition content to drive brand awareness, sell your products and educate your audience on how to avoid diets, how to read nutrition and food labels, how to identify the roles of protein, carbohydrates, fats and so much more! Our WellNUTRITION package includes the following articles:
1. Carbohydrates:
The Energy Makers and How They Fuel Your Body
2. Plan Your Nutrition Success :
10 Tips To Eating Smarter, Healthier and More Often
3. Protein, The Building Blocks:
Why You Need Them to Build Better Health
4. Goodbye Diet:
5 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Lead to Permanent Weight Loss
5. Don’t Believe The Hype:
How To Read Food and Nutrition Labels the Right Way
Use our engaging and conversational minority women’s wellness content to drive brand awareness, sell your products and educate your audience of African-American women on how to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and hypertension, how to overcome barriers to exercise, how to eat healthy on a budget, explore how cultural norms affect mental health and so much more. Our WellMINORITY package includes the following articles:
1. You Count Too:
5 Ways To Invest In Your Health Today
2. The Silent Killer:
5 Ways to Prevent High Blood Pressure
3. At the Heart of the Matter:
5 Ways to Prevent Heart Disease
4. Goodbye Strong Black Woman:
3 Tips To Decode Cultural Norms and Improve Your Mental Health
5. Fit, Tight and Toned:
6 Ways to Reach Your Fitness Goals and Tone Your Curves
Use our engaging women’s wellness content to drive brand awareness, sell your products and educate women on how to set fitness goals at any age, how to fuel their body properly with complete meals, how to identify the signs and symptoms of heart disease, how to identify stress triggers and so much more! Our WellWOMAN package includes the following articles:
1. I Don’t Want To Look Like A Man:
3 Reasons Why Women Don't Build Large Muscles
2. Healthy and Fit:
10 Tips for Women To Stay Well at Any Age
3. Can I Spot Reduce?
3 Reasons Why You Can’t Burn Fat in Only One Area
4. Exhale and Let It Go:
5 Tips to Decrease Stress and Mental Burnout
5. You’re Not a Number:
4 Ways To Properly Use The Scale While Reaching Your Desired Weight
Need More Options?
Can’t find the wellness topic you need?
Contact us and allow us to explore your wellness content project needs.